Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Boy Can Crawl!

While I was on my way home from work yesterday Matt left me a voice mail saying the boy can finally crawl! It's not your traditional crawl, but we're still counting it. Charlie scoots along without using his hands, it's all in his knees, hips, and forearms. He can get across the room just as long as there's a stack of cups in sight. Once he gets to them and successfully knocks them over the crawling stops.

The other thing Charlie has started doing is saying 'Da Da'. I've been in denial that he knew what he was saying for about 3 weeks now but he's recently added a form of 'Ma Ma' to his vocabulary so now I'm on board. Sometimes Da Da is the toaster or his Limbo Elmo doll and Ma Ma usually only comes out when he's screaming for food but we're still counting these as his first words.

There's no denying it, the boy's a genius.


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