Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Lazy Sunday

We had a pretty laid back Sunday today. Highlights include Charlie helping with laundry (those are Matt's boxers around his neck).

Practicing drinking from a cup. Someone else's cup is always more fun than your own, notice Charlie's sippy cup is sitting untouched on Sir Hawthorne.

And going to the mall (sorry, no photos). Thankfully we chose the downtown mall because when we got home we learned of a mysterious chemical exposure at the Northtown Mall, which is the one we usually go to. The 'mysterious exposure' took place by the Gap at the same time we were at the other mall's Gap. Eerie.

Those were basically the highlights of the day. Our snow pretty much melted today and we experienced some very Seattle-like weather for a change (read: rain and overcast skies). I'm kind of hoping the snow stays away so we can start walking outside again. That's the update from the bluff!


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