Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Truth About Sears Photography

I know I've been talking a lot about Sears lately, most of it in a positive light. I've got a few things to say, however, that aren't exactly positive. Take this next photo for example:

That's my hand in the photo. They assured me it wouldn't show up, they just wanted me to stabilize Charlie in case he fell off the 4 foot high prop they had him on. Why did it need to be so high? Wouldn't it be safer to move the camera and use a prop not so high off the ground? They offered to crop my hand out of the photo for an additional charge. That's right, they wanted to charge me to fix their photographer's mistake. They consider this an 'enhancment'. Not on my watch will we be paying for something like that. I'll crop it out myself and it will look really shabby, but at least I'll still have that $7 in my pocket.

My other beef is that I brought in an ad saying I could buy all the photos from the session on a CD for $25. I should have known this was too good to be true since the regular price is $150. Sure enough, they let you buy the CD for $25 if you spend $130 on photos.

The other strange part of this deal was they actually negotiated with me on the price. Apparently not only can you haggle for cars and furniture in this country but you can haggle for photos. They said if I bought 4 pictures at regular price (which was about $30) they'd throw in the CD for an additional $30. At the time this sounded like a great deal so I went for it. Then I got home and realized I only wanted 4 of the 9 pictures anyways.

Bottom line is that you have to be smarter than the Sears Photo Team, which I've proved recently I'm not. Maybe when I bring him in for Christmas pictures we'll get it right.


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