Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Stick a Fork In It

We're officially calling it. Summer's over. Below are some friends taking their final swim of the summer. Me and Charlie enjoying the view from the dry, warm dock.

This is Lotion Boy sneaking off to hide Grandma's lotion. Amazing that those little hands can hold 3 bottles at once.

A little update on Charlie's skills if you're interested (if you're not into hearing my motherly bragging stop reading here): he signs "more", "please", "thank-you", "all done" and "eat".
He's got a crazy routine of animal noises and motions including his latest: "Charlie, what does a skunk do?" When you ask he wrinkles his nose and waves his hands to fan off the stench. He's also recently added a hiss for a snake, a quack quack (which sounds very similar to "duck duck") for a duck, and a ooh ooh for a monkey.
Another good one is if you ask "Charlie, what does Joey Lawrence say?" He'll respond with a "whoa". This makes a mom raised on early 90s sitcoms ridiculously proud.
He's really into blowing kisses as well. We were getting some deli meat the other day at Fred Meyer and he blew a kiss to the deli lady. She instantly fell in love with him and offered him a piece of cheese (cheese = love (obviously)). He was so thrilled with his cheese he kept blowing her kisses as we walked away.
I think that's the latest. He's also big on telling us when he poops. We got out the training toilet thinking we could get him to use it since he obviously understands what's happening but all he wants to do is play with the lid or put his toys in it. It's probably a little early for potty training but we thought we'd at least get him used to seeing it so it's not such a foreign concept when it really is time.


Blogger Katie and Bob said...

That's hilarious. I love the Joey Lawrence response!

September 04, 2007 9:56 PM  
Blogger three60five said...

So good to finally be properly introduced to Lotion Boy. I kept wondering what clever thief had all grandma's lotion. Now I know it is he who is named after the lotion itself. Lotion Boy!

September 04, 2007 11:42 PM  

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