Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sleepy Sleepersons

Charlie's been sleeping for 2-4 hours at a time each night since we brought him home from the hospital. This makes for one cranky mamma (as I'm sure anyone who's come in contact with me can attest to). I've even given up caffeine in case he's getting some through my breastmilk hoping that would help (certainly doesn't help with the crakiness on my part let me tell you).

So when on Monday and Wednesday nights Charlie, for the first time ever, slept for 9 hours at a time I was in disbelief! And look how happy he was when he woke up. No screaming his head off for food, just some noises so I'd know it's time to come in and pick him up. He has been kicking his mobile on in his sleep though so its not like I slept 9 hours. My sleep was broken up by Mozart drifting through the baby monitor on more than 1 occasion. But somehow Mozart has a way of working its way into your dream and allowing you to fall back asleep so it wasn't too bad.

The only thing I can think of that was different from what he's used to is he was baby-sat by Grandpa and Grandma Anda on both days while I worked. I don't think they did anything unusual, like drug him, but I do think that Quincy (their rat terrier) played a huge part in messing up Charlie's naps. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that constant yipping and barking is hard to nap through. So when bedtime came around the kid was dead tired from having not slept much throughout the day.

So I'm making a list of reasons why/why not to get a rat terrier. So far I have: Pro: I get to sleep through the night like a normal human being. Con: I go insane from the yipping. Still working on the list, I'll keep you posted.


Blogger Jeannette said...

I've been told I need to apologize to Quincy. Per Grandma Anda Quincy provided constant black and white visual stimulation all day which is important for Charlie's brain development. So for the record Mom: I apologize for making fun of your dog.

September 30, 2006 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pro: same size as baby. this can become a "living toy".
pro: dog toys=baby toys and vice versa

October 01, 2006 9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With advance apologies to Irene, I can speak from experience that although Quincy provides ample amounts of black/white stimulation for little Charlie's brain = hours of sleep, the same effect cannot be said for adults. And I've been known to sleep through smoke alarms.

October 02, 2006 7:19 AM  

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