Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Week Thus Far

The week's been busy so far and sadly I have very few pictures to show for it. Below are the flowers Matt sent me at the office for our 3rd Anniversary. I was so surprised when they brought them to me that I was convinced they had the wrong office (read cubicle).
Our other excitement this week is that we signed up for Kindermusik. Before signing up I had to get over how much I hate it when places spell words wrong just to be cute. I have a hard enough time with spelling. It doesn't make it any easier when places try to confuse me by using k's when they should be using c's.
Anyways, Kindermusik is a little music class for babies/toddlers. We sing songs, dance around, and play with little instruments. Charlie seemed to enjoy his first class today and I noticed he didn't steal anyones rice shakers so we're making some progress on the bullying front.
Today we also went down to Eastern Washington University's campus and volunteered in a physical therapy class. A mommy that I walk with asked me if I'd bring Charlie down because a class taught by one of her husband's colleagues was looking for premature babies to observe. So we went down and about 14 college kids played with him and observed his movements for about an hour. I, in turn, observed them and realized how funny it is to be a student sometimes. They had names for the way he was sitting on his knees and they were fascinated with how he moved his body to a sitting position from laying down. They quickly wrote stuff on their pads of paper every time he reached for a toy and leaned his body using his core muscles.
I got a little laugh out of them trying to figure out how old he would be if he was born on his due date. They wrote all these numbers down and tried to do the math really quick in their heads. The girl who shouted out the answer first added 7 weeks to today, instead of subtracting 7 weeks. It took some real convincing to get her on board with the fact that he should be 13 months old not 16 months. It was kind of comical to me to watch them learn from a real life situation and not just from a textbook.
So that's been our week so far. We go back to Eastern again on Friday for some more observation - hopefully Charlie will continue to wow them with his sitting and leaning skills!


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