Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Rocking out at Pig Out in the Park

On Friday night we brought Charlie down to Pig Out in the Park at Riverfront Park in Spokane. He watched as his dad maneuvered the stroller through the swarms of people, past 60 unique food vendors serving anything from alligator on a stick to Clinkerdagger's pulled pork sandwiches, over to the Zips booth for a cheeseburger. I point this out only because Matt has Zips at least once a week. We go to Spokane's equivalent of Taste of Seattle and Matt chooses to eat at a place he already eats at on a regular basis. Unbelievable.

After we ate we watched the Clumsy Lovers put on an awesome show. I think Charlie really liked his first concert. He slept through the first half however he woke up in time to dance with me for the second. The photo is us 'dancing'.

On Saturday Uncle Pete and Aunt Vanessa were in town and they too wanted to Pig Out, so we went back for more. Again, Matt killed me when he walked up to the Papa John's booth and asked when the next pepperoni was coming out of the oven. I intercepted and made his share some Mexican with me, it just didn't seem right to eat at a chain restaurant 2 nights in a row at an event like this. At least Pete and Vanessa didn't let me down. They had sushi, crepes, bratwurst, and cheesecake on a stick. They know how to get their money's worth.

So this time after we ate we took a Gondola ride over the falls. The falls were pretty much nonexistent this time of year due to the low water level, but the ride over the city was nice. The photos are us on the Gondola.


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