Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wine Tasting

On Friday I had some moms from the group I'm in over for a wine tasting/mom's night out.

The other moms and I had fun but Charlie spent a good portion of the night crying upstairs with Matt (just to clarify Matt wasn't crying, Charlie was).

I firmly believe Charlie's a genius and could pick out my voice from upstairs and was upset that I wasn't there to put him to bed. Before Friday I didn't think he cared or noticed who was cuddling with him and trying to get him to fall asleep. Matt did everything I usually do but Charlie wouldn't sleep until I came upstairs for 5 minutes to hold him. We decided next time the mom's night out can't be at our house because Matt said he's never like this when I'm actually gone. I don't know when it happened...probably some night in the last 6 months around 2 am... but Charlie grew attached to me. It's flattering, however it's definitely something we're going to have to figure out how to fix.


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