Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's Called Pants Free Time

Our new obsession these days is trying to get Charlie walking on his own. For a while we thought the walker was the answer, hoping that he would eventually let go and walk alone. So far that hasn't worked.

Last week Matt decided Charlie needed to walk the equivalent of 5 laps around the living room, each day, holding our hands for support. So far that hasn't gotten him any closer to walking either.

So tonight Matt invented Pants Free Time. He's hoping rug burn will motivate Charlie to get off his knees and start using his feet. Each night after his bath he has to go pants-less until bedtime. I'll keep you posted on his progress...and on any other weird things we think up for him to do.

This is him being sad about being pant-less.
This is him being indifferent 30 seconds later.
This is him moving on with his life and having a good laugh at something really funny his mom probably said.


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