Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

He Slides Like a Big Boy Now

Charlie can go down the big slide all by himself now. It may not sound like a big deal but it actually takes a lot of coordination to stay in the seated position when you have no core muscles. Oh and trying to stick the landing when you're shooting off a slide 3 times your length is no easy task either.

The Little Tykes set is now reserved for Cousin Caden.

I tried to get a shot of them together last night while I was babysitting Caden. I know it looks like Charlie's kicking Caden over but I swear it didn't go down like that. Caden's still mastering sitting so I'm pretty sure he was tipping over all on his own.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for being a super babysitter! I am just glad that the cousins get to teach each other to share. Although at this point, Charlie is the one learning. Caden can only focus on one toy at a time. Once Charlie gets it, he just moves on to something else.

I am glad to see that the shoes are on. It was pretty funny to watch Charlie stand in shoes and scream at the same time.

September 08, 2007 10:33 PM  

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