Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Friday, June 30, 2006

B is for Basketball

Charlie and I just got back from a walk around Manito with a couple of other mommies and babies. We got home and Charlie had pooped through his outfit again onto Pooh Bear. It might be time I mastered diaper changing, not sure though.

So instead of packing for Orcas I'm dressing Charlie up and writing about it on his new website. Matt thought this would give me something constructive to do throughout the day...instead its giving me reason to neglect my baby and chores. I don't think Charlie minds though, he needs some lone time anyways right?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Making Friends

Last weekend I had a little friend over. I can't sit yet so in the photo Logan's supporting me.

Apnea Monitor

So today is Thursday and we leave for 10 days on Orcas/Westside of WA tomorrow. I took the monitor in on Wednesday to get the memory downloaded and sent to the NICU doctors for review. Our pediatrician called today to say we failed again. Charlie stopped breathing twice last month so they'd like us to keep the monitor for another month. At this point I think the monitor is over the top. All babies probably have small lapses in their breathing and just because we have this monitor we know about Charlies.

Charlie's crying as I type this over how crappy this is. If you're a Grandma and you're reading this you're probably secretly very happy as this means our camping plans will be put on hold yet again.

Posted by Jeannette...still figuring out how to work the website...


Well. We (Matt) thought it would be a good idea to start a Charlie blog. We (Jeannette) will update it with pictures and stories to keep friends and family in the loop on Charile's latest antics.