Little Charlie

Keeping the virtual world up to date on Charlie and his adventures.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Fetus is a Girl!

We found out this morning that we're having a baby girl! They couldn't tell at first so the Radiologist tipped the bed so I was practically on my head. Then she had me lay on my side. Finally she rolled around and we were able to get a good look.

When I got home from my ultrasound my home nurse came over to give me my first of many weekly doses of progesterone. She told me the shot would go in my hip. Which to me meant my spare tire. To her it meant butt. So now not only do I get to deal with all the regular fun that goes along with being pregnant but I get to look forward to a sore butt once a week. Hope this little girl is worth all this hassle!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Little Halloween Preview

Matt, Charlie and I went to a little Halloween party put on by a mommy group I'm a member of. Matt said he'd only go if I agreed to dress up. So since Charlie was Yoda and Matt was Obi-Wan Kenobi...I agreed to be Darth Vader. Funny, no pictures Darth have surfaced, not an accident. This is Charlie hiding from the other kids. We got in the car and Matt asked Charlie if he hated other kids and he said 'YES!' Not sure how we're going to fix this but I think more mandatory play dates are in our future.

Friday, October 26, 2007

We came back!

We made it back from our trip safe and sound last night. Hurricane Kiko and the city of San Diego being engulfed in flames didn't slow us down a bit. On the second day of the cruise they informed us we might not make it to La Paz because of Kiko. Which was pretty standard because 2 years ago when we tried to take a cruise Katrina and Rita showed up and derailed our plans entirely.

Kiko ended up turning a little so we went to La Paz and spent a very stormy day on shore eating fish tacos and strolling the boardwalk. Below are some random photos from the trip.

This is me and Matt on formal night at the Captain's Party. This is 'the crew' on our booze/snorkel cruise in Cabo San Lucas.

As you disembark the ship there are signs everywhere that say 'do not rent Mopeds'. So what does our friend Dave do in La Paz? He managed to stay safe though, even though he didn't understand what '4 Alto' meant until the next day.

This is a photo from our day in Ensenada. There were fire there as well and it was so smokey that it looked like dusk basically all day.

Those are the highlights. Charlie did great without us and probably was a little more sad to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa last night than he was when we left. They taught him to say 'I love you' while we were gone and he taught himself to say 'Matt' which is kind of fun.
And, he may have gotten over his fear of costumes. They got him Batman pajamas, complete with a cape, and he wore them very proudly through the airport. Hopefully he'll remember how fun this outfit was so that when we go to put on the Halloween costume he'll go along with it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We're Off!

We couldn't convince Charlie to look at the camera here, he'd say cheese but he'd be starring at the pumpkins the whole time.

Matt and I leave tomorrow morning for our cruise so there won't be any posts for a week or so. We'll be sure and update everyone on Charlie's week at Grandma's when we get back!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Fantastic Fall Weekend

This weekend our friends Danielle and Brenda came over from the Seattle area to visit us. This is us eating doughnuts in the park before swim class. I kind of wish I hadn't discovered the mini-doughnut stand right by the Y. It's going to be hard to stay away. Here's we're doing another standard fall activity, carving pumpkins.

Matt and Charlie and the Raccoon puppet. The Raccoon puppet show, put on by Matt, has gotten so out of control that it woke Brenda up Saturday morning (keep in mind she was sleeping a floor below not necessarily below the show, its that crazy).
Saying goodbye to Little Charlie.

Thanks for coming over ladies!
I had to throw this picture in for fun. Caden will wear Charlie's helmet but Charlie is still afraid of it. Maybe we should have pushed it on him before he developed his little defiant personality...

Who says you can't swim in October?

Since I'm banned from the hot tub for a few more months due to the growing fetus in my belly Grandma Cheryl steps in for me occasionally. You're looking at 3 generations of hot tub loving fools. It seems like they're out there forever sometimes.
This is me and my sister at our last Shrimp/Kippers class on Saturday. I don't know about Caden but I can read Charlie's mind and he's going to miss all the cheesy games and songs (serioulsy though, he loves the Y).

Friday, October 12, 2007


Thanks to Amy, I'm supposed to answer a bunch of random questions and put them on my blog. If you find reading about my first job interesting, read on...thanks Amy.

Where I've worked (none are current)
1-Camp Firwood
2-Taco Bell
3-Bagel Factory
4-CWU Dining Services

Movies I can watch over and over
1-Tommy Boy
2-Girls Just Want to Have Fun
4-Wedding Singer

Places I've lived
1-Bellingham, WA
2-Ellensburg, WA
3-St Mary's, MT
4-Redmond, WA

Favorite tv shows
1-Biggest Loser
2-the Office
3-Dancing with the Stars
4-How I Met Your Mother

Places I've been
1-Nashville, TN
2-Orlando, FL
3-Cancun, Mexico
4-Las Vegas

Favorite foods
1-the entire Taco Bell menu
2-bagels and cream cheese (bagels are viewed as a vessel to get the cream cheese into my mouth, I should have really just listed cream cheese)
4-cheese (see a theme?)

Places I'd rather be
1-Mexico (I'll be there in 6 days!)
3-at Taco Bell
4-somewhere warm

Weird things about me
1-I like milk with pizza
2-I have a lazy eye that only makes an appearance in pictures (so I'm told)
3-I took a hip hop dance class when I was 25 (and my friends insisted on calling me 'Hip Hop' for a very long time after that)
4-I don't know how to play basketball but I love watching Gonzaga play

I tag Lori because I feel like the world wants to know what her favorite foods are.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


The cheesiness runs in the family...

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Trick Pony

My sister has a fancy camera with sound so we got some of Charlie's tricks on film. The first one is brand new and you have to listen carefully. It's a little something special that will make 1 Grandpa really proud and 1 Grandpa really upset...

Friday, October 05, 2007


Charlie's been sick the last few days and the only thing that seems to make him happy is reading his books. Thankfully Grandma Cheryl has been hitting the thrift shops and stocking us up on new stuff. His books are officially taking over the living room...I guess the kid could have worse bad habits though.