1 Year Photo Shoot
Below are the pictures from Charlie's 1 year photo shoot at Sears. I only ordered a couple of pictures because when you go to pick up the pictures they always have 4 extras printed up that they'll sell you for $20 (which is a tremendous deal). So I was hoping they'd print up 4 different poses and offer to sell them to me at their rock bottom price.
My plan sort of backfired. They printed up 2 of Charlie and Caden (my sister's baby) - 1 in black and white and 1 in sepia. Since I was already buying the color one of this pose these didn't really appeal to me. Then I'm thinking they were on to me because the other 2 were just of Caden. Which makes no sense because in our session they took like 20 pictures of Charlie and about 2 of Caden (he was a bit on the hungry side and wouldn't stop crying so Char carted him away pretty quickly).
So we left with the 3 pictures we originally ordered and nothing more. Oh well, at least the ones we originally ordered turned out good.